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Henley-Putnam's Doctor of Strategic Security Subject Guide

Directed Doctorate Studies and Dissertation Guide

Guidelines for Developing Your Concept Paper


Research Methods

A concept paper is written as a point of the first discussion and you will make substantial changes to it before recasting into a formal research proposal when you become a doctoral candidate. This paper tells your reader what the project is, why it is important, and how it will be carried out. It can help you and your trusted academic advisors spot holes in the project that might weaken the project or even render it an absolute failure. 

For this course, you are required to write only one concept paper that is a minimum of 3 pages in length. However, you may end up drafting two or three to present to your program advisor prior to researching your doctoral dissertation. 

The outline for your concept paper is as follows. 

Topic is information on the applied research area you are studying that is related to your professional fields and to any current debates your study will contribute.

Problem statement a sentence or two describing the issue/problem you are trying to solve. It is the current pain the problem creates. The Why you should do the project. Recommend that you follow the format in Creswell & Creswell (2018). 

Purpose statement begins with the purpose of this study is…(to provide the answer for the problem statement).  It contains the How you will study (the strategy of inquiry), the action, the What, the Who, and the Where. Use the format of Creswell & Creswell (2018) Chapter 6.  There is no WHY in a purpose statement (don’t give justification or the projected answer same as above).

Research question(s) and/or sub-question(s) One or more research questions that would address the problem. A research question is one sentence and ends in a question mark.  For quantitative studies, you can also use hypotheses.  

Research Approach. Overview of the strategy of inquiry. The research approach should address the theoretical framework, seminal research, or previous research informing your study. Address the How in research design and research method. The methods overview must include the research setting, sampling, data collection strategy, instruments, data analysis strategy, and rationale/explanation involving how the design may help answer the research question(s); also includes a summary of possible ethical issues that might arise in the research process. 

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