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Amazon Web Service Public Dataset
This registry exists to help people discover and share datasets that are available via AWS resources. Learn more about sharing data on AWS.
Broad Institute
Cancer-related Datasets
CIA World Fact Book
The World Factbook provides information on the history, people and society, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. The Reference tab includes: a variety of world, regional, country, ocean, and time zone maps; Flags of the World; and a Country Comparison function that ranks the country information and data in more than 75 Factbook fields.
The home of the U.S. Government’s open data. Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more. is managed and hosted by the U.S. General Services Administration, Technology Transformation Service.
Data Basin
Science-based mapping and analysis platform that supports learning, research, and sustainable environmental stewardship. A team of scientists, software engineers, and educators at the Conservation Biology Institute (CBI) built Data Basin to develop sustainable solutions by empowering more people through access to spatial data, non-technical tools, and collaborative networks.
Data Portals
A comprehensive portal to open data from around the world.
According to Forbes, DBPedia is an ambitious project to catalogue and create a public, freely distributable database allowing anyone to analyze this data.
Gapminder Data
Gapminder produces free teaching resources making the world understandable based on reliable statistics. Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation with no political, religious or economic affiliations. Gapminder is a fact tank, not a think tank. Gapminder fights devastating misconceptions about global development.
10 Provides access to interactive maps, satellite imagery and related spatial databases maintained by FAO and its partners. Through this website, FAO facilitates multidisciplinary approaches to sustainable development and supports decision making in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food security.
The National Geospatial Technology Center of Excellence (“GeoTech Center”) is a collaborative educational effort to expand a well-qualified geospatial technology workforce. Data and maps provided by the GeoTech Center are for educational uses only and are not warranted by the GeoTech Center for accuracy or appropriateness. Data for GIS comes from many sources and the validity and accuracy varies widely.
GIS Geography – 10 Free Data Sources
10 Free GIS Data Sources: Best Global Raster and Vector Datasets (2018) as reviewed by – a website about Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Geography.
Google Books Ngram Viewer
The Google Books Ngram Viewer is optimized for quick inquiries into the usage of small sets of phrases. If you're interested in performing a large scale analysis on the underlying data, you might prefer to download a portion of the corpora yourself.
Google Trends
Keep up with the latest trending searches
This site is dedicated to making high value health data more accessible to entrepreneurs, researchers, and policy makers in the hopes of better health outcomes for all.
Hunt Lab for Intelligence Research
Database of Analytic Rigour Literature. This site aims to be a comprehensive, crowdsourced index of literature related to analytic rigor in intelligence analysis. Literature includes academic books and articles and documents from intelligence organizations, if already publicly available.
National Agriculture Library of USDA
AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access), a database produced by the National Agricultural Library (NAL), consists of two subsets of records. The first contains citations for journal articles that include abstracts. The second consists of bibliographic records describing monographs, serials, audiovisual materials and online content from around the world. AGRICOLA includes but is not limited to resources available in the library. The database contains 5,200,000+ records and includes printed works from as far back as the 15th century.
AGRICOLA records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences.
Both data sets are updated daily with newly cataloged and indexed materials. Each may be searched separately, or the two may be searched together. The NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA) may also be accessed on a fee basis through several commercial vendors, either online or on CD-ROM.
To learn more about the NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA), see the Agricola Help page, along with the AGRICOLA Specifications for Cataloging and Indexing Records.
Note: Data from the NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA) are for personal use only. Users are responsible for complying with all associated copyright and licensing restrictions.
Natural Earth
Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps with cartography or GIS software. Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales.
UK's national information and technology partner to the health and social care system. We're using digital technology to transform the NHS and social care.
Our mission is to harness the power of information and technology to improve health and care.
NOAA Climate and Weather Datasets
Climate and weather data. There are links that provide quick access to many of NCEI's climate and weather datasets, products, and various web pages and resources.
Mapping tool built by a community of mappers using aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world. OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge.
Open Topography
Facilitates community access to high-resolution, Earth science-oriented, topography data, and related tools and resources. OpenTopography’s primary emphasis is on Earth science-related, research-grade, topography and bathymetry data.
Pew Research Center's Datasets
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. We do not take policy positions.
Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)
One of the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) in the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The data, maps, and other materials focus on human interactions in the environment integrating socioeconomic and earth science data to serve as an “Information Gateway” between earth sciences and social sciences.
UN Environmental Data Explorer
The Environmental Data Explorer is the authoritative source for data sets used by UNEP and its partners in the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) report and other integrated environment assessments. Its online database holds more than 500 different variables, as national, sub regional, regional and global statistics or as geospatial data sets (maps), covering themes like Freshwater, Population, Forests, Emissions, Climate, Disasters, Health and GDP. Display them on-the-fly as maps, graphs, data tables, or download the data in different formats.
University of California Machine Learning Repository
UCI currently maintains about 507 data sets as a service to the machine learning community.
US Census: DataFerrett
Data analysis and extraction tool to customize federal, state, and local data to suit your requirements. Using DataFerrett, you can develop an unlimited array of customized spreadsheets that are as versatile and complex as your usage demands then turn those spreadsheets into graphs and maps without any additional software.
US Census Bureau Information
Includes access to US Census data sets
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