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HU2000 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Week 11: Inferencing
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HU2000 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Library Resources for HU2000
Getting Started
Week 1: Introduction to Critical Thinking
Week 2: Principles of Clear Writing & Critical Reading
Week 3: Critical Reading & Viewing
Week 4: Investigating Problems
Week 5: Solving Problems
Week 6: Rhetorical Devices & Logical Fallacies
Week 7: Arguments, Information, and Assumptions
Week 8: Syllogisms
Week 9: Credibility & Bias
Week 10: Errors of Logic
Week 11: Inferencing
APA Formatting and Style (7th edition) for Student Papers
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Grammarly - your writing assistant
Brainfuse Online Tutoring
Using Other People's Information Responsibly: Avoiding Plagiarism
Week 11: Inferencing
Excelsior OWL Online Reading Lab: Inferencing
[Video, 5 m, 6 s]
Week 10: Errors of Logic
APA Formatting and Style (7th edition) for Student Papers >>
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