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EN1300 Composition II Library Guide
Week 10: Revision and Editing
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EN1300 Composition II Library Guide: Week 10: Revision and Editing
Resources for choosing a topic, finding articles, creating an annotated bibliography, and writing your argumentative essay
Getting Started
Week 1: Arguments (and Find Topics)
Week 2: Researching Multiple Viewpoints
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Week 2: The Research Process
Week 2: Annotated Bibliography
Week 3: Argumentative Purpose
Week 4: Supporting Arguments
Week 5: Paragraphing & Source Integration
Week 6: Using Scholarly Sources
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Week 6: Annotated Bibliography
Week 7: Thesis Statements and Outlines
Week 8: Integrating Evidence
Week 9: Concession & Rebuttal
Week 10: Revision and Editing
Writing Center - Writing Skills
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APA Formatting and Style (7th ed.) for Student Papers
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Grammarly - your writing assistant
Brainfuse Online Tutoring
English Course Frequently Asked Questions
Week 10: Revision and Editing
Revision and Editing
Learning Express Tutorial: Build Your Basic Writing Skills. Unit 3: Revising
Register and log in to Learning Express to access this resource. (See the Register/Log in link below in the left column.) Click on the link to the tutorial and then Unit 3: Revising . You may stop the tutorial and finish later.
Excelsior OWL Revision Checklist
A checklist of key issues as you revise, from Excelsior Online Writing Lab.
Excelsior OWL Rough Drafts
This page includes a rough draft example, including the student writer's editing notes.
Revising an argumentative paper
How to revise an argumentative paper from the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Writing Center's Writer's Handbook.
Revising and Editing your Paper
This handout gives you suggestions of questions to ask yourself as you revise and edit your paper.
Reverse Outlines: A Writer's Technique for Examining Organizatiion
From The Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
12 Common Errors: An Editing Checklist
12 common errors often found when writing from the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Writing Center's Writer's Handbook.
Beginning Proofreading
Where to begin proofreading from the Purdue Owl.
How to Proofread a Paper
How to proofread a paper from the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Writing Center's Writer's Handbook.
Week 9: Concession & Rebuttal
Writing Center - Writing Skills >>
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