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2016 Dissertations and Theses
Akin, T. S./ Changing army intelligence from lessons learned in Afghanistan (Military)
Akin, T. S. (2016). Changing army intelligence from lessons learned in Afghanistan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Barron, B. A. / Does the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham satisfy the criteria of an apocalyptic Islamic cult? (Terrorism, Intelligence)
Barron, B. A. (2016). Does the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham satisfy the criteria of an apocalyptic Islamic cult? (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Bobocea, E. / Countering ISIL’s oil revenue through financial intelligence (Terrorism, Military)
Bobocea, E. (2016). Countering ISIL’s oil revenue through financial intelligence (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Chatwin, S. / Enhanced village stability operations (Terrorism, Military)
Chatwin, S. [ca. 2016]. Enhanced village stability operations (Unpublished master’s thesis). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Chevrier, J. / Preventing violent extremism in Mauritania: thought leadership and jobs for the youth (Violence)
Chevrier, J. (2016). Preventing violent extremism in Mauritania: thought leadership and jobs for the youth (Unpublished master’s thesis). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Evans III, J. P. / Russian and Chinese anti-access/area denial threats (Security)
Evans III, J. P. (2016). Russian and Chinese anti-access/area denial threats (Unpublished master’s thesis). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Finnern, Jr., F. R. / Armed Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) capabilities and threat of hostile forces against the United States and its allies
Finnern, Jr., F. R. (2016). Armed Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) capabilities and threat of hostile forces against the United States and its allies (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Hangstorfer, K. A. / Where’s Waldo?: using neurofeedback as a training technique for discerning clutter (Intelligence)
Hangstorfer, K. A. (2016). Where’s Waldo?: using neurofeedback as a training technique for discerning clutter (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Lynch, S. M. / An analysis of the Russian Federation's counter-terrorism methodology in dealing with Islamic extremism, and what the United States stands to gain from it (Foreign Policy)
Lynch, S. M. (2016). An analysis of the Russian Federation's counter-terrorism methodology in dealing with Islamic extremism, and what the United States stands to gain from it (Unpublished master’s thesis). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Mann, R. / Religious terrorism and radical Islam (Extremism, ISIS)
Mann, R. (2016). Religious terrorism and radical Islam (Unpublished master’s thesis). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Otto, K. W. / Border crisis (ISIS, Immigration)
Otto, K. W. (2016). Border crisis (Unpublished master’s thesis). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Peters, M. / Cashing in on cyberpower: how interdependent actors seek economic outcomes in a digital world (Case Study)
Peters, M. (2016). Cashing in on cyberpower: how interdependent actors seek economic outcomes in a digital world (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA
Pierson, J. S. / Defining workplace violence in the US Army and generating a threat response plan
Pierson, J. S. (2016). Defining workplace violence in the US Army and generating a threat response plan (Unpublished master’s thesis). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Sisak, T. J. / Trends in geospatial behavior during the preparatory phase of terrorist attacks (Case Study, Counterterrorism)
Sisak, T. J. [ca. 2016]. Trends in geospatial behavior during the preparatory phase of terrorist attacks (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Strychar. L. B. / A hidden war in plain sight: how the Mexican cartels have brutalized the western hemisphere into numbness
Strychar. L. B. (2016). A hidden war in plain sight: how the Mexican cartels have brutalized the western hemisphere into numbness (Unpublished master’s thesis). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Whitworth, N. / Domestic terrorism & underutilization of resources (Lone Wolf, Extremism)
Whitworth, N. (2016). Domestic terrorism & underutilization of resources (Unpublished master’s thesis). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
Winter, N. A. (2016). Smart grid security: preventing future attacks (Power grid)
Winter, N. A. (2016). Smart grid security: preventing future attacks (Unpublished master’s thesis). Henley-Putnam University, Santa Clara, CA.
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