The Approaching Graduation Scholarship is awarded to Undergraduate and Masters students who are within 3 terms, or less, to completing their current degree and might need financial support to get to that final step!
Scholarship Information
Amount: Undergraduate - $1,000 | Master's - $1,000
# Available per quarter: 1 - Undergraduate, 1 - Master's each term
Undergraduate: The award will be disbursed over two consecutive terms unless the first term is the final term to graduate. For example, $500 per Summer 2023 term and $500 per Fall 2023 term, unless Summer term is the final term to complete degree. If Summer is the final term to complete degree, then the full $1,000 will be disbursed Summer term.
Master's: The award will be disbursed over two consecutive terms unless the first term is the final term to graduate. For example, $500 per Summer 2023 term and $500 per Fall 2023 term, unless Summer term is the final term to complete degree. If Summer is the final term to complete degree, then the full $1,000 will be disbursed Summer term.
Award Criteria for both Undergraduate and Masters:
To be submitted with application: