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Doctor of Education (EdD) Program Guide

Advanced Search Options

The advanced search options in our databases give you more
  • flexibility for creating complex searches or
  • searching different parts of the database. 
  • For instance, ProQuest databases default to searching ‘Anywhere’ in the text of an article.  You can change that drop down to search
  • within article titles, 
  • for an individual author, 
  • within an abstract.



Truncation can also allow you to search databases in an efficient way. 
If we did a search for: 
climate chang*
We would get results:
  • climate change,
  • climate changes,
  • climate changing. 


Exact Phrases

You can also use quotation marks in your search to keep words together when you perform a search. 
For instance, if you want to find articles that
contain the EXACT phrase ‘rain forest’,
you would search for:
rainforest or "rain forest"
In this example, we are asking the database to search for several things:
  1. climate chang* (so climate change, climate changes, climate changing..)
  2. biodiversity
  3. rainforest OR “rain forest” (that way we find results for rain forest as one or two words).
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