Strategic Theory
For a quick and easy read on Strategic Theory see Smith, M. L. R. & Stone, J. (2011). Explaining strategic theory. Military Strategy Magazine 1(4), 27-30.
For a more thorough read see: Yarger, H. R. (2006). Strategic theory for the 21st Century: The little book on big strategy. Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College.
- Thucydides, 404 BC
- Vegetius, 450 AD,
- Machiavelli, 1519 De Principatibus / Il Principe (The Prince)
- Clausewitz, C. von. (1832). On war, M. Howard and P. Paret (eds and trans). Princeton University Press, 1976.
- Corbett, J. (1911). Some principles of maritime strategy.
- Delbruck, Han. (1912). History of the art of war within the framework of political history.
- Schelling, T. (1963). The strategy of conflict. Oxford University Press.
- Beaufre, A. (1965). Introduction to strategy. Praeger. [Introduction à la stratégie, Paris, 1963]
- Beaufre, A. (1965). Deterrence and strategy. Faber. [Dissuasion et stratégie Paris, Armand Colin, 1964]
- Luttwak, E. N. (1970) Luttwak, E. N. (2001). Strategy: The logic of war and peace. rev. en.. Harvard University Press
- Brodie, B. (1979). War and politics. Longman.
- Howard, M. (1983). The causes of wars and other essays. Counterpoint.
- Foster, G. D. (1990). A conceptual foundation for the theory of strategy. The Washington Quarterly p. 43.
- Murray, W. & Grimsley, M. (1994). Introduction: On strategy In w. Murray, W., Knox, M., & Bernstein, A. (eds). (1994). The making of strategy: Rulers, states, and war. Cambridge University Press.
- Gray, C.S. (1999). Modern strategy. Oxford University Press.
- Kugler, 2006
- Carr
Geostrategic Heartland (Mackinder, 1904)
Security or Securitisation Theory (Brodie, 1949; Buzan, Waever, & de Wilde, 1998; Weaver, 2015; Feirke, 2015)
Grand Strategy (Hart, 1967)
Structuralism (Thucydides, 404 BC, Morgenthau, 1972)
Complex Interdependence Theory (Keohane & Nye, 1977)
Neorealism (Waltz, 1979)
- Structured Realism (Waltz , 1979)
- Defensive Realism (Waltz, 1959)
- Offensive Realism (Mearsheimer, 2001)
- Power theory
- Balance of threat theory (Walt, 1987).
- Security dilemma theory
- Offensive-defensive theory
- Jervis, R. (1997). System effects: Complexity in political and social life. Princeton university Press.
- Van Evera,
- Lynn-Jones,
- Glaser)
- Thomas Christensen, Robert Ross, and William Rose Jack Snyder, Thomas Christensen, and Aron Friedberg
- Hegemonic stability theory (Kindleberger, 1973; Gilpin, 1987; Gowa, Keohane, 1984; kasner, Modeski, 1987)
- Power transition theory (Organski)
- Balance of Power theory (Posen; Mastanduno)
Critical Theory (Linklater, 1980; Cox, 1981; Lafebvre, 1991)
Collective Defense
Collective Security
Constitutional Order Theory (Bobbitt, 2002)
Security Strategy (Kruger-Klausen & Odgaard, 2014)
Security Dilemma Theory (Herz, 1951)
Democratic Peace Theory (Paine, 1776; Doyle, 1983)
Dependency theory (Singer, 1949; Prebisch, 1949; Addo; Bello; Griffin; Singer; )
Interdependency theory (Kelley & Thibaut, 1959)
Energy security theory
World Systems Theory (Wallerstein
Long Cycle Theory (Modelski)