An instructor uses a "rubric" to grade papers and projects where there are no 'right or wrong' answers (Roell, 2019, para. 3). The rubric lists the requirements or "criteria" for the assignment and describes how students will be graded on each criteria. Students check to see whether they have met the criteria before submitting their assignments (Utah Education Network, n.d.).
Have you made an excellent S'more? Check out the rubric on the next tab!
Roell, K. (2019, February 25). What is a rubric?
Utah Education Network. (n.d.). Rubric tool.
1. Left column: read the list
of requirements, or "Criteria." This rubric grades the quality of each
S'more ingredient.
2. Each row: a description of each level of quality for the ingredient
Points Awarded:
Marshmallow: your S'more has one black spot, so you receive 3 out of 4 points for that criteria.
Chocolate: Your chocolate was melted and stayed on the crackers. The marshmallow, chocolate, and crackers "fused" or stuck together, so you receive 4 points. Graham Crackers: The crackers were stale, so you receive 2 points.
3. Total points: Your total points for the assignment are 9 out of a possible 12.