Whether you are job hunting or applying to graduate or professional school, gathering references
is a very important. Deciding whom to ask and then asking them can be difficult, to make it
easier, plan ahead. Develop and cultivate positive relationships with those who may later serve
as references for you. Choose your references carefully and ensure it will be someone who will
speak highly of your skills, abilities and accomplishments. When deciding who to ask to be your
references also think of your audience. Ask in advance and ask for permission to use people as
references. Ask your references what information they need from you.
References should all be professional (former or current boss, co-worker, school staff, instructor, etc.). Stay away from friends and family members.
Professional Reference List Example:
Steve Smith
Lead Shift Supervisor — XYZ Company
(123) 456-7890
Sally Jones
Office Manager — ABC Supplies
(555) 123-4567
Doug Jones
Owner — General Real Estate
(555) 098-7654
Susan Johnson
Assistant Manager — AAA Inc.
(555) 555-5555